Artur Safaryan

Soccer Player

Artur Safaryan is 6 years old soccer player whose dream is to become number 1 soccer player of all time and he is doing everything to make it possible

What You’ll Find Here





About Me

Meet ARTUR SAFARYAN the rising soccer star, a dynamic 6-year-old talent who’s dedicated countless hours honing his skills on the field, fueled by a passion for the beautiful game!

Follow his journey on all social media channels, where you can witness the determination and love he brings to each practice and match. His vibrant personality and skillful moves make him a standout on and off the field.

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Featured Videos

01. fast feet
Skill Level 81%
02. Dribbling
Skill Level 73%
03. Goal scorring
Skill Level 85%
04. Drills
Skill Level 91%

I love to collaborate and play soccer. Let’s Play and collaborate!

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